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State Folkstyle

Event Center Mat layout

Purchase State Tickets Here

Session A: (Click Here)

Session B: (Click Here)    All General admission in Expo Building

Session C: (Click Here)

Session D: (Click Here)

Session E: (Click Here)

Session F: (Click Here)   All General admission in Expo Building

All Sessions for Saturday - (A, B & C): (Click Here)

All Sessions for Sunday - (D, E & F): (Click Here)

Hardship Petitions

See info on Hardship waivers under FAQ and then download the hardship waiver at the bottom of the FAQ page.  

NEUSAW State Tournament - March 14-16, 2025

NEUSAW Coaches get in free at the gate for all sessions. To be on the floor you need a current USA Wrestling Leader Membership card (Coaches card). (This is the same as our previous coaching card.) If you are a copper, bronze, silver or gold level coach then you get on the floor for free as well.  If you are a regular NEUSAW member coach with no additional certifications then the cost is $20 and must be purchased online only at this link:  

Link for a Coaches floor pass click below:

(Link Coming Soon)

  • To Purchase a Wrestling Leader membership/coaches card go to this link:
  • There may be a background check needed and it usually takes about 8 days, so don't delay.
  • Coaches floor wrist bands will be available near the entry point of floor.  You must show ID to get your coaches floor pass.  If you are a copper, bronze, silver or gold level coach you do not need to purchase a floor pass, but you must pick up your coaches floor pass band to get on the floor. 

NEUSAW Folkstyle State Tournament Details 2025

  • Districts will be held the first weekend in March as usual.  The top 4 will qualify for State.  District directors will have the same leeway they have had in the past and stay within our current district guidelines.  District tournaments will also be staying within local Health guidelines as well.  If the District director deems necessary, the District tournaments may run on 2 consecutive days the first weekend in March.
  • Hardships are allowed again this year.  Check the FAQ to see the details on execptions for hardships. 
  • The top 4 from districts will qualify for State. (Hardships allowed see frequently asked questions on how to apply)


Heartland Event Center

700 E Stolley Park Road,

Grand Island, NE 68801

Registration For State

  • All wrestlers must have a USA wrestling athlete membership. Here's the link:
  • Register Here: (Link Coming Soon) *registration for PreK-8th Grade is open. 
  • Registrations are open. All Registrations for all divisions will end on Thursday, March 13th at 11:59pm.  The cost per wrestler is $45.

State Bracketing Information

The USAW PIN system will be utilized only when sufficient data warrants its application. In instances where  data may be limited, we will revert to our established practice of utilizing previous District placement  separation, as successfully employed in past tournaments. 

To enhance the separation process for current District champions, the PIN system will be applied when  applicable. Additionally, district runner-ups from each district will be strategically placed with separation  from their respective champions. The 3rd and 4th place finishers will then be drawn in with careful  consideration to maintain separation from both District champions and runner-ups within the same district  during the first-round draws whenever feasible. It is important to note that in smaller brackets, unforeseen  scenarios may arise due to the absence of a full 32-man bracket or the non-participation of all top 8 ranked  wrestlers in the State. 

Hardship wrestlers gaining entry into the tournament will be drawn in with separation, contingent upon the  availability of time for the bracketing team. In cases where time constraints exist, these wrestlers will be  slotted into the brackets without separation. 

Pre-K boys, all girls, and high school divisions, since there is no placement from districts to separate these  athletes, these divisions will be blind draw brackets. Also, with this being a qualifying event, true 2nd place  matches will be set up if needed. The only separation criteria for these three divisions will be based solely on  separating teammates.


State Weigh-Ins

  • On Friday, March 14th, there will be satellite weigh-ins across the State in every District.  Each District can have up to 2 satellite weigh-ins within their District.  There must be a NEUSAW representative or Certified official present at the weigh-ins.  (Melissa Price will get each District Director setup in TW for weigh-ins) There will be a weigh-in in Grand Island at the venue as we normally do but strongly suggest that everyone weigh-in at a satellite weigh-in unless you are in District 4.  Wrestlers can weigh-in at any satellite weigh-in that they want.
  • Remember you must wear a singlet at weigh-ins.  You must make weight in the weight class you qualified for at Districts or you will be scratched from the tournament with no refund. You will not be able to bump up a weight class at weigh-ins.  
  • This does not include the Girls division or High School. The girls and HS can bump up a weight if they don't make the weight they registered for.

  • Satellite weigh-ins can begin as early as 2pm central time but must be completed by 7pm central time on Friday evening.  This is only a window so each District can allow for weigh-ins between these times.  The weigh-in in at the Heartland Event Center will be from 6pm to 8pm.  The exact District weigh-in places and times will be updated on our website as that info becomes available.
  • Wrestlers can weigh-in at any satellite location. 
  • These weigh-ins will be for all grades and divisions no matter if they wrestle on Saturday or Sunday.  There will be no weigh-ins on Saturday afternoon like we have had in the past.
  • Each wrestler will receive a specific colored wrist band that designates which session they wrestle in at State.  This must be worn to get in the gate. Also must be worn to get on the wrestling floor during their session only.  Wrestlers with colored wrist bands will be allowed to stay in the building, but not on the floor, for other sessions if their parents are coaches or have siblings still wrestling in other sessions.  Wrestlers with wrist bands will not have to pay a gate fee for sessions they aren't wrestling in but should be accompanied by their parent.

Tickets For Spectators At State

  • An online ticket link will be available soon if not already. All tickets will be sold online.  All tickets in the main Arena will be reserve seating.  Tickets for the Expo Building will be General admission.  There will not be tickets available at the venue.  The online ticketing will be open throughout the weekend.  People will be able to buy tickets right from their phones if needed. These tickets will be sold in sessions.  If you want to watch more than 1 session, then you must purchase another session ticket or purchase a "3 Session package same day same seat" ticket at a discounted price. Each individual session ticket that is bought will be $15, the "3 Session package same day same seat" will be $24 each.  All tickets are the same for adults and children 4 years and older.  All children under 4 years old are free but must sit in the parents lap if they want a seat.
  • Kids that wrestle in a session do not have to purchase a gate ticket for other sessions.  They must have their session wrist band on at all times.  Wrestlers that are wanting to stay for other sessions must enter the main gate with their parents present.  The only wrestlers allowed on the floor will be wrestlers with colored wrist bands that are the same as the current session that is wrestling at that time.

If you want to buy tickets for a session or full day (Session A,B,C,D,E or F),

State Ticket Purchase Link: Ticket links are at the top of the webpage


 Live Stream Video Available Online

  • ONLINE Live by Trackcast video will be available.  Subscription fee will be for the whole tournament (that’s both days and all sessions except High School).  You will be able to subscribe to the NEUSAW State tournament and then watch all wrestling in all sessions for both days. Here is a link to the live stream: (Link Coming Soon)

NEUSAW State – Saturday Event Schedule

  • 7:30am - Main Arena - Saturday doors open for Session “A” wrestlers and spectators.
  • 9am - Session A - Main Arena wrestling begins. The following divisions and weights will be in Session A: 1) Boys 1st-2nd weights 40,45,50,53,56,59,62 2) Boys 3rd-4th all weightsAll wrestlers that are done competing will need to exit the floor area. 
  • The spectators that only have a Session “A” will need to exit the building upon completion.  If you have an "All day pass" you can stay right where you are.  We aren't having people exit the building between sessions.
  • 8:30am Expo Hall doors open for Spectators and wrestlers. General admission seating.
  • 10:00am Session B - Expo Hall - All Boys Prek 
  • 2:30pm (Approximately) - Session C - Main Arena:   Starts shortly at the conclusion on Session “A” with Boys 5th-6th all weights, and Boys 1st/2nd - 65 through 140.  The Session “C” wrestlers will be allowed to enter the venue at any time but will not be able to get on the floor until Session A is complete.  
  • There will be a separate gate entrance for Coaches and wrestlers as we have done in the past.  The progress of the tournament can be monitored on Track Wrestling for completion times of previous sessions.
  • NEUSAW State – Sunday Event Schedule
  • 7:30am - Sunday doors open for Session “D” wrestlers and spectators in the main arena.
  • 9am - Session D - Main Arena – Wrestling begins. The following divisions and weights will be in Session D –  Boys 7th/8th all weightsAll wrestlers that are done competing will need to exit the floor area.
  • The spectators in Session “D” will need to exit the building upon completion so the next Session can enter. You must have a Session “E” ticket to remain in the building.
  • 2:00pm (Approximately) - Session E - Main Arena:  Starts shortly at the conclusion of Session “D” - All Girls divisions (except high school) all weights. The Session “E” wrestlers will be allowed to enter the venue at any time but will not be able to get on the floor until Session D is complete.
  • There will be a separate gate entrance for Coaches and wrestlers as we have done in the past.  The progress of the tournament can be monitored on Track Wrestling for completion times of previous sessions.

NEUSAW State – Sunday Event Schedule In Expo Hall

  • 8am to 8:30am - Additional weigh-ins for High School wrestlers in Expo Hall.  Same place as competition area.
  • 8:00am - Sunday doors open for Session “F” wrestlers and spectators.
  • 10:00am - Session F:  Begin wrestling for Boys and Girls High School


  • All awards will be given at an award stand near the mats the wrestler has been competing on. Each award stand will be pre-assigned Divisions/Weights or Bracket numbers.  This can be found on the mat assignment pdf at the top of this page.  Be sure to be looking for which award stand you need to go to when your medal match is over.  It will be near one of the mats your wrestler has been competing on throughout the day. We are still placing top 8 in all divisions.


2024 Grade Divisions and Weight Classes 

*Only girls who reside in the state are able to participate in the girl’s division.

  • Girls 7th/8th - 73, 82, 89, (95), (101), (107), (113) (120), 126, 138, 150, 165, 185, 185+  (14 Weights)
  • Girls 5th/6th - 65, 73, 82, 89,  (95), (101), (107), (113) (120), 126, 138, 150, 165  (13 Weights)
  • Girls 3rd/4th - 52, 58, 65, 73, 82, 89,  (95), (101), (107), (113) (120), 126, 138 (13 Weights)
  • Girls 1st/2nd - 8 person madison block.  Submit actual weight. (approximately 20 brackets)
  • Girls Pre-K - 8 person madison block. Submit actual weight. (approximately 12 brackets)
  • Girls 9-12: 103, 110, 117, 123, 129, 135, 141, 148, 155, 168, 188, 238, (NEUSAW reserves the right to combined weight classes if needed)

Boys Divisions

PreK-K Boys Submit actual weight (weight classes will be determined) (approximately 35 brackets)

  • 1st-2nd: 40, 45, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 70, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 140 (15 weights)
  • 3rd-4th: 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 120, 140, 160 (16 weights)
  • 5th-6th: 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 120, 130, 140, 160, 200, 250 (17 weights)
  • 7th-8th: 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 102, 110, 117, 125, 132, 140, 150, 160, 175, 195, 220, 275 (17 weights)
  • High School: 109, 116, 123, 129, 135, 141, 148, 155, 163, 173, 185, 198, 223, 288 (14 weights)


Length Of Periods

Folkstyle Length of Periods for Grade Divisions

  • PreK-4th grade divisions are 60 second periods for all 3 periods on both the championship and consolation sides.
  • 5th-8th grade divisions are 1st period- 60 seconds, 2nd period- 90 seconds and 3rd period- 90 seconds on the championship side and 60 seconds per period on the consolation side.
  • All High School divisions will be 1st period - 2 mins, 2nd period - 2 mins, 3rd period - 2 mins on the championship side.  On the consolation side it will be 60 seconds, 90 seconds and 90 seconds.

Other Items Of Interest

National dual teams for Elementary, Middle School, Girls 1st-8th and High School are still in place this year. The Middle school will only be going to Heartland Nationals in Council Bluffs. The High School dual teams will be girls and boys, 2 of each.  We will be going to Heartland and Virginia Beach Nationals.

Satellite Weigh-In Locations // March 14th, 2025 // You can weigh in at ANY location, it does not have to be in your district.

District Location Address Contact Name Email Phone Hours
All Heartland Events Center 700 East Stolley Park Road Grand Island, NE 68801 Fred Franklin 402-380-1939 6-8 PM CST
1 (All) Legion Park Shelter House 2200 Legion Park Sidney, NE 69162 Amanda Andrys 970-759-8738 1-3pm MST
1 (All) Scottsbluff High School 313 E 27th St Scottsbluff, NE Celeste Garcia 308-225-0747 4:30-6 pm MST
2 (All) Kearney High School - Use the Southwest Activities Entrance off 30th Ave. 2702 W 11th st Kearney Frank Kuchera 308-440-4874 4-6pm CST
2 (All) D and N Event Center 501 East Walker Road Tad Haneborg 308-520-5454 3:30-5:15pm
2 (All) Broken Bow High School (Wrestling Room - Door #29) 323 N 7th Ave Broken Bow, NE Jason Rynerson 308-440-7571 4-5:30pm
3 (All) O' Neil High School 540 E. Hynes st O'Neil, NE Bryan Corkle 402-340-5812
3 (All) Valentine High School 431 N Green St Valentine, NE Lorana Eggert 402-613-0953 4-7 pm CST
3 (All) Columbus High School 3434 Discoverer Dr Columbus, NE Brian Brownlow 402-910-8749 4-6pm
4 (All) Wilber Clatonia High School 900 South Franklin Rd James Bates 402-499-4897 4-6pm CST
5 (All) Wisner Fire Hall 1005 Ave D Andrew Schweers 402-380-2960 2-4pm
5 (All) Fremont High School 1750 N. Lincoln Ave Vinnie Trenian 402-305-1267 5-7pm
6 (All) Hawks Wrestling Club 3107 S 6th St STE 113 Lincoln, NE 68502 Leah Blair 402-730-4868 4-6pm CST
6 (All) The Dojo 508 Ella Street, Beatrice, NE 68310 Justin Hanshaw 402-520-0858 5-7pm
6 (All) Waverly High School 13401 Amberly Road, Waverly, NE 68462 Kevin Bailey 402-304-7866 4-6pm
7&8 (All) Millard South High School 14905 Q St, Omaha, NE 68137 Jamie Strange 703-200-7399
7&8 (All) Nebraska Boyz 8715 J st. Omaha, NE 68127 Frank Lovings 402-739-1987 3:00-4:30pm