The dates of this tournament will be March 15, 16, & 17. Additional info will be added soon.
Q: How are skin conditions handled?
A: NEUSAW will follow the same policy as the NSAA in regards to communicable skin disorders. If you suspect your athlete has a skin condition, it is recommended that the athlete get checked by a physician and have the physician complete the NFHS medical release form in this link: NEUSAW will have Medical staff on site that is well trained in communicable skin disorders. The medical release form will be helpful in determining if an athlete can compete. However, the onsite Certified Trainer has the authority to overrule any medical release forms.
Q: Is there a Girls only division?
A:Girls must participate at Districts in the Girls division to be an automatic qualifier for the Girls division at state. Girls do not have to place top 4 at districts to qualify for state. Girls can choose whatever weight class they want when registering for State.
Q: Do I have to qualify for the USA State tournament?
A: Grades PreK-8 must qualify through your district tournament. PreK-K division must attend their district tournament but do not need to place. Girls PreK- 8th grade, must attend their district tournament but do not need to place. Grades 1-8 (Boys) must place in the top 4 of their district tournament. All boys 1st-8th must wrestle in the weight class they qualified at Districts (See exception to this rule). See the district tournament web page for more information on the districts. The High School division is open and those grades do not have to qualify.
Q: What if I cannot attend my district tournament? Is there another way to qualify?
A: No, the clubs voted to eliminate all hardship waivers except one. The only waiver allowed is any wrestler that enters and weighs in for a district tournament but does not qualify to state may apply for a hardship waiver. The waiver will only be accepted if space allows at the state tournament. See the next question for more information.
Q: What if I attended a district tournament but did not place high enough to qualify?
A: You can apply for a hardship waiver. Fill out the form and submit it. The form can be found at the bottom of this page.
Q: Can I wrestle a different weight class than I qualified for?
A: Maybe, in the 4th grade and under you cannot move down a weight class. You can only move up if a spot is available. So if you do not make weight at the weight you qualified for and the weight class above is full you are out of luck and cannot get a refund. In grades 5 through 8 you must make weight in the weight class that you qualified in. If you do not make weight you will be scratched and cannot get a refund.
Q: Can I wrestle in more than one grade division or weight class?
A: No, you can only wrestle in one grade division and one weight class. Wrestlers may only wrestle in the grade that they currently are in.
Q: How do I register?
A: Online only. We do not accept mail-ins, emails, or phone in registrations. This reduces the potential for errors or registrations getting lost. For more information visit our State Tournament page at:
Q: Is a USA card required and where can I get one?
A: Yes, a USA card is required. The USA cards may be purchased online at:
Q: How do I register as a team?
A: All wrestlers must be paid online. No mail in checks or bringing checks to weighins.
Q: Can we pay as a team?
A: All wrestlers must be paid online. No mail in checks or bringing checks to weighins.
Q: What rules will be followed?
A: National Federation High School Rules with modifications.
45 minute rest between matches not in effect.
****8th grade and under participants are ENCOURAGED to wear a headgear. Optional for the High School division.
PreK-4th grade divisions are 60 second periods for all 3 periods on both the championship and consolation side.
5th-8th grade is 1st period- 60 seconds, 2nd period- 90 seconds and 3rd period- 90 seconds on the championship side, and 60 seconds per period on the consolation side.
Q: Do coaches pay for admission?
A: Coaches get into the building for free ONLY if they have a current USA coaches card. Coach’s cards can be purchased online at: Important note: USA coach’s cards require a background check so please allow a minimum 2 weeks before receiving your card. If you applied for the card but have not received it you will still need to pay for admission. Admissions only get you into the building. Only current coaches with Wrestling Leader membership can be on the floor of the Arena.
Q: How much does a coach’s floor pass cost?
A: Free for coaches with Copper certification or higher. $20.00 for USA coaches card members that are not at least Copper certified.
******If you do not have a USA coaches card, you cannot be on the floor.
Q: How do I get Copper or Bronze certified?
A: You can get Copper certified online at:
You can get Bronze certified online at:
Q: Do High School coaches have to pay for a floor pass?
A: Yes, if you are coaching on the floor Saturday. If you are only coaching your high school team on Sunday your team receives the following number of passes:
3 or more wrestlers you get 1 free floor pass.
5 or more wrestlers you get 2 free floor passes.
10 or more wrestlers you get 3 free floor passes.
Q: Where is the event located?
A: The Heartland Events Center
700 East Stolley Park Rd.
Grand Island, NE 68801
Directions from I-80: Exit I-80 at Grand Island Exit 314; proceed North on Locust Street to the third stoplight (6 miles); Turn Right on Stolley Park Road, two blocks East
Q: What are the future state tournament dates?
A: To be determined
Q: I have a question not answered on this page or the tournament page ( How do I get my question answered?
A: Please email us at